
Freight forwarding services

Freight forwarding services

ООО «PanaTrans» provides the following forwarding services:

  1. arrangement of international transportation of goods in import and export directions by sea (sea freight);
  2. arrangement of goods delivery by road and railway;
  3. transit customs clearance;
  4. arrangement of the cargo transfer from containers to road or railway transport;
  5. arrangement of the cargo transfer from road or railway transport into containers;
  6. supporting declarations during remote customs clearance of goods in Novorossiysk customs;
  7. arrangement and presence during inspections and issue of the necessary documents;
  8. other forwarding services at the port.

Requests to calculate the transportation cost to be emailed to the following contacts:

Employees of ООО "PanaTrans" Position Email Ph. Ext.
Elena Smirnova Commercial Director 8(8617) 60-10-60 108
Igor Shipichuk Sales Specialist 8(8617) 60-10-60 119
Elena Goreva (in copy) Executive Director 8(8617) 60-10-60 114

Please indicate in the requests:

  1. name of the cargo (if the cargo is dangerous, please send MSDS, if the cargo is oversized - dimensions of one place)
  2. gross weight of cargo
  3. type of containers
  4. number of containers in batch
  5. direction of transportation
  6. to calculate rates for shipping containers by railway or road, please indicate the customs procedure in the port of Novorossiysk
  7. readiness of cargo for shipment